Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

858 Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani.

Al-Battani is an astrologer and a Syrian metimatikawan yangmemiliki full name Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani.Atau sometimes known Albategnius, Albategni or Albatenius in bahasalatinnya. Al-Battani was born in Battan, Harran, Syria at around 858 M.Keluarganya a sect Sabbian who do ritualpenyembahan to the stars. Being worshipers of the stars berartibahwa Sabiian have a strong motivation for the study of astronomy and merekamenghasilkan many astronomers and mathematicians such as Thabit Thabit bin Qurra.tidak, Al-Battani do not believe in religion Sabian. lebihmemilih he embraced Islam. Interest with objects in the sky make AlBattani then pursue astronomy. Informally he mendapatkanpendidikan of his father who was also a scientist, Jabir Ibn Al-Battani.Ayahmya San'an is a famous instrument maker in Harran. Sehinggakemampuan Al-Battani in making the instrument has no doubt lagi.Keyakinan is strengthened by evidence of the ability of Al Battani made danmenggunakan number of devices astronomical tools as did his father. Moments later, he left Harran towards Raqqa which is located in the banks of the Euphrates, where he continued his studies. The kotainilah he conducted a variety of research until he found a variety of penemuancemerlangnya. At that time, Raqqa become famous and achieve greatness. Raqqa become famous and achieve prosperity. This is due to karenakalifah Harun Al Rashid, the fifth Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, on 14September 786 to build a number of palaces in the city. It merupakanpenghargaan on a number of inventions produced by research yangdilakukan Al Battani. After the construction of a palace in Raqqa, city centers inimenjadi both science and commerce is bustling.
7. Criticism: This section explains about the identity of Al-Battani well hometown, religion and family. Al-Battani was so adept at making and use the tools of astronomy since his father's discipline directly which is the manufacturer tools famous at that time. Al-Battani's interest in astronomy is believed to be due to family religion that teaches the worship of stars. In the town of Raqqa he conducted a variety of research until he found the brilliant and famous discoveries disana.ISI / RESULTS Fruit thought in the field of astronomy that get pengakuandunia is the length of the earth around the sun. Based on his calculations, he declared that the earth revolves around the center of the solar system in waktu365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 24 seconds. The calculations are approaching the last denganperhitungan that are considered more accurate. That is the fruit of 42 years of research payahnyaselama that begins in his youth diRaqqa, Syria. He found that the longitude of the sun terajauh mengalamipeningkatan of 16.47 degrees since the calculations performed olehPtolemy. This led to an important discovery about the motion lengkungmatahari. Al-Battani also determine accurately kemiringin ecliptic, panjangnyamusim, and orbit the sun. He even managed to find danplanet lunar orbit and set a new theory to determine a new moon kemungkinanterlihatnya condition. This is connected with the turn of a month to bulanlainnya. Discoveries concerning curved lines moon and the sun, on 1749kemudian used by Dunthorne to determine the motion acceleration month.
8. Just like, other Muslim scientists, he also wrote pengetahuannyadi two fields into a number of books. Yangpaling famous book on astronomy is Kitab Al Zij. This book was translated into bahasaLatin in the 12th century under the title De Scienta Stellerum u De NumerisStellerum et Motibus by Plato of Tivoli. The oldest translation of his work in the Vatican itumasih. Translation of the book is not all in latintetapi also other languages. This translation came out in 1116 while the print edition circulated pada1537 and in 1645. While the translation work into bahasaSpanyol emerged in the 13th century. In the next period both karyaAl Battani translation in Latin and Spanish persisted and digunakansecara wide. No wonder that his writings, so give bagiperkembangan influence of science in Europe until the advent of Pencerahan.Dalam Fihrist, who compiled Ibn An-Nadim in 988, this work merupakankumpulan Muslim influence on the 10th century, stated that Al Battanimerupakan astronomer who gives an overview accurately about months and the sun. In the field of mathematics, Al Battani also provide kontribusigemilang especially in trigonometry. Al Battani find sejumlahpersamaan trigonometry: He also solves the equation sin x = a cos x and find the formula:
9. and use the ideas of al-Marwazi about mengembangkanpersamaan-tangent in the equation to calculate the tangent, cotangent and arrange tabelperhitungan tangent. Other information contained in Fihrist also stated that AlBattani doing research between the years 877 and 918. Not only that, therein also contained information regarding the end of life of the scientist's. Fihristmenyatakan that Al Battani died in a dariRaqqa trip to Baghdad. This trip is done as a form of protest because he is subject to the fiscal excess. Al-Battani was reached Baghdad to menyampaikankeluhannya to the government. But then he exhaled nafasterakhirnya when on his way home from Baghdad to Raqqa.Kritik: In this section reveals that many of the discoveries Al-Battanidalam astonomi and trigonometry. In fact he is very akurat.Berdasarkan calculation calculations, he stated that the earth revolves around the center of the solar system within 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 24 detik.Perhitungannya approached the final calculation that considered lebihakurat. As for the other inventions Al-Battani, namely:  Finding longitude terajauh sun has increased by 16.47 degrees since the calculation made by Ptolemy. Al Battani determine accurately kemiringin ecliptic, the length of the season, and orbit the sun  He managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets and establish a new theory to determine a condition of the possibility of sighting the new moon.  In the field of mathematics, Al Battani also contributed brilliantly, especially in developing trigonometry equations to calculate the tangent, cotangent and tangent calculation tabulated.
10. CONCLUSION From the article it can be concluded that: Al-Battani is an astrologer and metimatikawan Syrian origin whose full name is Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani Al-Battani In informal education from his father who was also a scientist, Jabir Ibn San 'an Al-Battani In Raqqa city he conducted a variety of research until he found the brilliant and famous discoveries As for the work of the famous Al-Battani is:  Al-Battani accuracy in calculating the length of the earth around the sun 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 24 seconds longitude terajauh  Finding the sun has increased by 16.47 degrees since the calculation made by Ptolemy. This led to an important discovery about the curved motion of the sun.  Al Battani determine accurately kemiringin ecliptic, the length of the season, and orbit the sun  He managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets and set a new theory to determine a condition of the possibility of sighting the new moon.  In the field of mathematics, Al Battani also contributed brilliantly, especially in developing trigonometry equations to calculate the tangent, cotangent and tangent calculation tabulated. His book on astronomy of the most famous is the Book of Al Zij. Al Battani died in a journey of Raqqa to Baghdad.
11. Criticism: At the conclusion tells about how long the trip tokohAl-Batani and so many konstribusinya in astronomy dantrigonometri. Al-Battani can be regarded as one of the figures yangmenginspirasi manufacture can find the calendar because the moon's orbit danplanet and set a new theory to determine a new moon kemungkinanterlihatnya condition. TASK 21. Why did you choose the article? Answer: I think this article is interesting, because Al-Battani is able to calculate the length of the earth around the sun with accuracy. Moreover He found that the longitude of the sun terajauh yielded important discoveries about the sun arcing motion. He also took part in finding the calendar because it managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets and set a new theory to determine a condition of the possibility of sighting the new moon. This is connected with the turn of a month to the other. In addition, the discovery of the moon and sun curved lines, in 1749 and then used by Dunthorne to determine acceleration motion months.2. Why is it so important journals? Answer: This journal is so important because with this journal we know one of the figures who inspired the creation of the calendar is Al-Battani because he managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets. In addition we know without Al-Battani Dunthorne can not determine the motion acceleration month
12. 3. Write down the two main ideas you get from reading the article! Answer: Al-Battani is an astrologer and metimatikawan Syrian origin whose full name is Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani. In informal education he received from his father who was also a scientist, Jabir Ibn al-Battani San'an. Ayahmya is a famous instrument maker in Harran. In the town of Raqqa he conducted a variety of research until he found a variety of brilliant discoveries and terkenalAdapun the work of the famous Al-Battani is:  Al-Battani accuracy in calculating the length of the earth around the sun 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 24 seconds  Finding the line terajauh longitude of the sun has increased by 16.47 degrees since the calculation made by Ptolemy. This led to an important discovery about the curved motion of the sun.  Al Battani determine accurately kemiringin ecliptic, the length of the season, and orbit the sun  He managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets and set a new theory to determine a condition of the possibility of sighting the new moon.  In the field of mathematics, Al Battani also contributed brilliantly, especially in developing trigonometry equations to calculate the tangent, cotangent and tangent calculation tabulated. Battani could use and make astronomical instruments so that he could calculate the time of the earth around the sun
Al-Battani received education from his father and continued his education. Al-Battani published a book entitled al-Zij translated into Latin in the 12th century under the title De Scienta Stellerum u De Numerical Stellerum et Motibus .Terjemahan oldest of his work was still in Spain. According to Al-Battani earth around the center of the solar system within A A. 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 24 seconds important discoveries Al-Battani! Al-Battani accuracy in calculating the length of the earth around the sun 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 24 detik Finding longitude terajauh sun has increased by 16.47 degrees since the calculation made by Ptolemy. This led to an important discovery about the curved motion matahari. Al Battani determine accurately kemiringin ecliptic, the length of the season, and orbit matahari He managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets and set a new theory to determine a condition of the possibility of sighting of moon baru. In the field of mathematics , Al Battani also contributed brilliantly, especially in developing trigonometry equations to calculate the tangent, cotangent and tangent calculation tabulated.
Abu Abdullah Al-Battani, the inventor Time in 1 Year
 "He is the one who makes the sun shine and the moon glowing and set his manzilah-manzilah (places) for the trip of the month, so that you may know the number of years and the reckoning (of time). God did not create this, but with the right. He explains the signs (of his greatness) to people who know. "(Surah Yunus [10]: 5)
The accuracy of calculation of al-Battani (850-932 AD) in the field of astronomy, making it managed to find time calculation within one year consisting of 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds.
Muslim scholars in the fields of astronomy and mathematics is better known in the West by the name Albategnius. He was born in Battan, Syria with the full name of Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Harrani ar Raqqi as Sabi al-Battani.
The thinking in the field of astronomy that gained worldwide recognition timing is around the center of the Earth in the solar system. Hard work for 42 years approached the final calculations are considered more accurate.
Al-Battani also determines the slope of the ecliptic, the length of the season and orbit the sun. He even managed to find the orbit of the moon and planets as well as establish a new theory in determining the appearance of the new moon.
Discoveries concerning the curved lines of the sun and the moon later became the basis for Dunthorne in 1749, to determine the motion acceleration month.
Caliph Harun al-Rashid build several palaces in the town of Raqqa as a reward for the discovery of a number of al-Battani then deliver the city's prosperity and became the center of science.

His works in the field of astronomy is very influential in Europe until the Renaissance. One of his most famous book, The Book 'al-Zij' translated into Latin under the title 'De Motu Stellarum'. This makes the book of Copernicus in his book 'De Revolutuionibus orbium Clestium', expressed budinya debt to al-Battani.

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