Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

(803-873) Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir

Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir

Designers Fountain In historical records of Islam, it was revealed that the Muslims became the first people to use the media in the design of a garden water. And utilizing aqueous media to embellish the room, whether at home, mosques, palaces, and public parks. The designer of the fountain are various forms of Banu Musa brothers lived in the 9th century. They are scientists who are very active activities in Bayt al-Hikmah, Baghdad, Iraq. It is a place famous for its library and translation of a variety of science. Banu Musa brothers are the sons of Musa ibn Shakir, who worked as an astrologer Caliph al-Ma'mun. 

At the time of Musa ibn Shakir died, he left his children who are still young in the environment of the caliphate. Banu Musa consists of three brothers. The first is Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir (803-873). He has particular expertise in the field of astronomy, engineering, geometry, and physics. Then, there is also Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir (803-873) who has special expertise in the field of engineering and mechanics. In addition, there is also Al-Hasan ibn Musa ibn Shakir (810-873). 

He also has expertise that is highly mastered, namely the fields of engineering and geometry. Kitab al-Hiyal or Book Tool Mechanic is a valuable thing left Banu Musa brothers. Through this book, they provide a useful legacy for the development of engineering and architecture in the Islamic world. In his book, Banu Musa brothers created a design of a fountain in the manufacture of a variety of techniques and tricks. They apply a variety of principles of geometry and physics to create a fountain. The book also contains seven model or design of the fountain.

Law of Universal Gravitation World know Sir Isaac Newton (Principia, 1687) as the first inventor of the "law of universal gravitation" but actually long before Newton, scientists of Islam which is also one of the Banu Musa brothers named Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir, who lived between 803-873 years in Baghdad, Iraq. has created the hypothesis that there is a gigantic Visit the movement of objects in space. Abu Ja'far Muhammad, who has particular expertise in the field of astronomy, engineering, geometry, and physics. in Kitab al-Hiyal, giving an explanation of the movement of the ball. In the book, he also wrote his discoveries about the celestial objects that become subject to the laws of physics of the earth. Other works of Abu Ja'far Muhammad is the discussion about the movement of stars and the law of attraction. He revealed the presence of the force of attraction between the heavenly bodies. It is proved that Newton's law of gravity applies universally.

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