Senin, 16 Maret 2015

It's Mine

Sejarah Islam- Eritrea

Suku Arab Rashayda yang terakhir datang di Afrika (1850):

Situasi suku Arab banu mengatakan rashid Rashayda
Rashaida, Rashaayda atau Banu Rashid (bahasa Arab: رشيد الرشايدة 'Pengungsi' Timur) adalah suku Arab yang menghuni Eritrea dan Utara Sudan. [2]

Pada 1846, banyak Rashaida bermigrasi dari HIjaz Arab Saudi saat ini terhadap yang sekarang Eritrea dan Utara Sudan setelah pecah perang suku mengerikan di tanah air mereka.

Sudan dan Eritrea Rashaida tinggal di dekat Beja Sedunia. Sejumlah besar Rashid Banu masih terletak di Semenanjung Arab.

Perbandingan antara hitam Sudan kecil tanpa percampuran dengan orang Arab dan Arab Sudan tanpa percampuran dengan kulit hitam
Rashid Bani yang berhubungan dengan adnanite suku Banu Abs. [3]

Rashaida telah memelihara pakaian, budaya, Bea Cukai, balap unta tradisional dan praktek Sunni Islam. [4]

Perlombaan unta Rashaida suku keturunan populer di semua Sudan dan Semenanjung Arab dan mencapai harga yang sangat tinggi. Orang Arab Rashaida berbicara dialek Arab pengaruh.

Mereka berada di sepanjang pesisir Laut Merah di Sudan Provinsi Kehye Semenawi Bahri di Massawa di Eritrea.

Mereka berbicara dalam bahasa Arab dan menikah dalam suku mereka sendiri.

Nomad penggembala unta, atau membuat perdagangan, mereka didorong untuk menetap sejak 1993 di utara Semhar

Kassala ibukota Kassala negara bagian di Sudan Timur, kota dihuni sebagian oleh orang Arab Banu Rashayda

^ [1] Eritrea sensus.
^ Muda, William C., "Rashaayda Badui - Arab penggembala di Sudan Timur", 1996.
^ Rashaida rakyat sejarah, Niaz Murtaza penjarahan keberlanjutan di Eritrea 1998, p.177
^ Snap Shots, Al - Ahram mingguan, 29 Desember 2005, 4 Januari 2006, Edisi No. 775
^ UNHCR laporan [2], pengungsi dan Rashaida: perdagangan manusia dan lalu-lintas Eritrea Sudan dan Mesir
Catatan ini telah diposting di sejarah umum Islam.

Sejarah Rustumides Khawarij dari Tahert oleh Ibnu Stevy:

Dunia Islam pada tahun 900, Muslim Tahert negara, berlari dari Tahert, M'zab, Jerba (Selatan Tunisia) dan Nafusa (Libya)

Akhbar al - a'imma al-rustumiyyin

Cerita tentang imam Rostomides.

Beberapa Abadhites telah dilaporkan kepada saya fakta-fakta berikut mereka dianggap sebagai nenek moyang mereka:

Ketika Abadhites diri yang melekat Tahert dan ingin mengisi kota ini, karakter utama mereka bertemu di perakitan dan berkata: "Seperti yang Anda tahu, negara kita tidak dapat dibentuk dan dipimpin oleh seorang Imam, yang akan kita gunakan untuk penegakan hukum kami, yang akan melakukan keadilan yang tertindas melawan penindas, akan memimpin doa-doa kita, akan menerima persepuluhan pendeta kami akan membayar dia dan akan dibagi antara kita."

Setelah memiliki dibahas, mereka mengakui bahwa ada di masing-masing suku-suku mereka satu, dua atau lebih karakter Markus yang arah urusan dalam suku dan layak Imamat. "Tapi, mereka keberatan, Anda adalah semua pemimpin dan kami percaya tidak bijaksana untuk memakai preferensi kami di salah satu dari Anda lainnya, yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan disesalkan ketentuan mereka. '' Mungkin kita désignerions sebagai kepala menjadi anggota keluarga-Nya atau yang sebagian kecil dengan mengorbankan orang lain; Ia dengan demikian kecewa Roh dan Anda akan melihat perpecahan yang berkembang biak dan Uni untuk melemahkan. Kami memiliki ' Abd er Rah' manusia ben Rostem; ada tidak ada suku kaum yang bisa membantu mendominasi atau sebagian kecil yang dapat mengambil keuntungan baginya. Sudah, Imam Abu Khattab 1 telah disetujui untuk Anda sebagai hakim dan wasit. Biarkan dia karena arah bisnis Anda; Jika benar, itu akan menjadi seperti yang Anda inginkan. Jika sebaliknya, Anda bertentangan dengan keadilan, Anda deposito dan ada tidak ada suku untuk melindungi atau keluarga untuk mempertahankan. »

Semua sedang didukung dalam pendapat ini, mereka pergi bersama-sama ' Abd er Rahman: "A awal kami, katakan kepadanya imam telah menyetujui Anda. Hari ini, itu adalah kita yang memilih Anda dan ingin menempatkan Anda di kepala kita. Seperti Anda ketahui, kami

Zheng He - the Chinese Muslim Admiral

The Beijing Olympic Games started on Friday 8 August 2008 with a dramatic opening ceremony featuring a cast of thousands performers that celebrated the arts and achievements of China's long history. Among the tremendous events narrated by the ceremony was the evokation of Zheng He, the Chinese Muslim admiral of the 15th century. Blue-robed oarsman enacted seafarers travelling between Southeast Asia and the coast of Fujian, in southern China. Their oars became sails, painted with the "treasure ships" of Zheng He who reached Africa in the Ming Dynasty. On this occasion, we republish the following short outline of Zhen He's life and achievement.

The Beijing Olympic Games started on Friday 8 August 2008 with a dramatic opening ceremony featuring a cast of thousands performers that celebrated the arts and achievements of China's long history. Among the tremendous events narrated by the ceremony was the evocation of Zheng He, the Chinese Muslim admiral of the 15th century. Blue-robed oarsman enacted seafarers travelling between Southeast Asia and the coast of Fujian, in southern China. Their oars became sails, painted with the "treasure ships" of Zheng He who reached Africa in the Ming Dynasty. On this occasion, we republish the following short outline of Zhen He's life and achievement.

Figure 1: Performers with sailing boats are pictured during the Opening Ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics at the National Stadium on August 8, 2008 in Beijing, China. (Photo credit: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images). (Source ).
Little did the famous Muslim geographer, Ibn Battuta know, that about 22 years after his historic visit to China, the Mongol Dynasty (called the Yuan Dynasty in China) would be overthrown. The Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) would begin. A Muslim boy would help a Chinese prince. That prince would become emperor and the boy would grow up to be the "Admiral of the Chinese Fleet."

His name... Zheng He. The ships that he would sail throughout the Indian Ocean would retrace some of the same routes taken by Ibn Battuta, but he would be in huge boats called "junks". He would go to East Africa, Makkah, Persian Gulf, and throughout the Indian Ocean.

Speak of the world's first navigators and the names Christopher Columbus or Vasco da Gama flash through a Western mind. Little known are the remarkable feats that a Chinese Muslim Zheng He (1371-1433) had accomplished decades before the two European adventurers.

The Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation retraces the route of China's 15th century admiral, Zheng He, who ranks as perhaps the country's foremost adventurer. A Muslim and a warrior, Zheng He helped transform China into the region's, and perhaps the world's, superpower of his time.

Figure 2: Portrait of Admiral Zheng He. (Source.)
In 1405, Zheng was chosen to lead the biggest naval expedition in history up to that time. Over the next 28 years (1405-1433), he commanded seven fleets that visited 37 countries, through Southeast Asia to faraway Africa and Arabia. In those years, China had by far the biggest ships of the time. In 1420 the Ming navy dwarfed the combined navies of Europe.

Ma He, as he was originally known, was born in 1371 to a poor ethnic Hui (Chinese Muslims) family inYunnan Province, Southwest China. The boy's grandfather and father once made an overland pilgrimage to Makkah. Their travels contributed much to young Ma's education. He grew up speaking Arabic and Chinese, leaming much about the world to the west and its geography and customs.

Recruited as a promising servant for the Imperial household at the age of ten, Ma was assigned two years later to the retinue of the then Duke Yan, who would later usurp the throne as the emperor Yong Le. Ma accompanied the Duke on a series of successful military campaigns and played a crucial role in the capture of Nanjing, then the capital. Ma was thus awarded the supreme command of the Imperial Household Agency and was given the surname Zheng.

Figure 3: Recent Chinese portrait (2005) of Admiral Zheng He. ( Source).
Emperor Yong Le tried to boost his damaged prestige as a usurper by a display of China's might abroad, sending spectacular fleets on great voyages and by bringing foreign ambassadors to his court. He also put foreign trade under a strict Imperial monopoly by taking control from overseas Chinese merchants. Command of the fleet was given to his favorite Zheng He, an impressive figure said to be over eight feet tall.

A great fleet of big ships, with nine masts and manned by 500 men, each set sail in July 1405, half a century before Columbus's voyage to America. There were great treasure ships over 300-feet long and 150-feet wide, the biggest being 440-feet long and 186-across, capable of carrying 1,000 passengers. Most of the ships were built at the Dragon Bay shipyard near Nanjing, the remains of which can still be seen today.

Zheng He's first fleet included 27,870 men on 317 ships, including sailors, clerks, interpreters, soldiers, artisans, medical men and meteorologists. On board were large quantities of cargo including silk goods, porcelain, gold and silverware, copper utensils, iron implements and cotton goods. The fleet sailed along China's coast to Champa close to Vietnam and, after crossing the South China Sea, visited Java, Sumatra and reached Sri Lanka by passing through the Strait of Malacca. On the way back it sailed along the west coast of India and returned home in 1407. Envoys from Calicut in India and several countries in Asia and the Middle East also boarded the ships to pay visits to China. Zheng He's second and third voyages taken shortly after, followed roughly the same route.

Figure 4: A display at the Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai purports to compare the size of ships used by Zheng He and by Christopher Columbus.(Source).
In the fall of 1413, Zheng He set out with 30,000 men to Arabia on his fourth and most ambitious voyage. From Hormuz he coasted around the Arabian boot to Aden at the mouth of the Red Sea. The arrival of the fleet caused a sensation in the region, and 19 countries sent ambassadors to board Zheng He's ships with gifts for Emperor Yong Le.

In 1417, after two years in Nanjing and touring other cities, the foreign envoys were escorted home by Zheng He. On this trip, he sailed down the east coast of Africa, stopping at Mogadishu, Matindi, Mombassa and Zanzibar and may have reached Mozambique. The sixth voyage in 1421 also went to the African coast.

Emperor Yong Le died in 1424 shortly after Zheng He's return. Yet, in 1430 the admiral was sent on a final seventh voyage. Now 60 years old, Zheng He revisited the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and Africa and died on his way back in 1433 in India.

Zheng He's Junks

Zheng He's flag "treasure ship" was four hundred feet long - much larger than Columbus's. In this drawing, the two flagships are superimposed to give a clear idea of the relative size of these two ships. Columbus's ship St. Maria was only 85 feet long whilst Zheng He's flag ship was an astonishing 400 feet.

Figure 5: The Honil Gangni Yeokdae Gukdo Jido ("Map of Integrated Lands and Regions of Historical Countries and Capitals", short name Gangnido (Kangnido)) is a map of the world made in Korea in 1402. It is 158.5 cm by 168.0 cm, painted on silk. The Kangnido map predates Zheng's voyages and suggests that he had quite detailed geographical information on much of the Old World. (Source).
Imagine six centuries ago, a mighty armada of Zheng He's ships crossing the China Sea, then venturing west to Ceylon, Arabia, and East Africa. The fleet consisting of giant nine-masted junks, escorted by dozens of supply ships, water tankers, transports for cavalry horses, and patrol boats. The armada's crew totaling more than 27,000 sailors and soldiers.

Loaded with Chinese silk and porcelain, the junks visited ports around the Indian Ocean. Here, Arab and African merchants exchanged the spices, ivory, medicines, rare woods, and pearls so eagerly sought by the Chinese imperial court.

Seven times, from 1405 to 1433, the treasure fleets set off for the unknown. These seven great expeditions brought a vast web of trading links -- from Taiwan to the Persian Gulf -- under Zheng He's imperial control. This took place half a century before the first Europeans, rounding the tip of Africa in frail Portuguese caravels, 'discovered' the Indian Ocean.

His humble tomb

Zheng He (1371-1433), or Cheng Ho, is arguably China's most famous navigator. Starting from the beginning of the 15th Century, he traveled to the West seven times. For 28 years, he traveled more than 50,000 km and visited over 37 countries. Zheng He died in the tenth year of the reign of the Ming emperor Xuande (1433) and was buried in the southern outskirts of Bull's Head Hill (Niushou) in Nanjing.

Figure 6: Zheng He's tomb in Nanjing located near the new museum devoted to Zheng He. (2007, photo by Peter Pang, Released into the public domain by the author).
In 1983, during the 580th anniversary of Zheng He's voyage, his tomb was restored. The new tomb was built on the site of the original tomb and reconstructed according to the customs of Islamic teachings.

At the entrance to the tomb is a Ming-style structure, which houses the memorial hall. Inside are paintings of the man himself and his navigation maps. To get to the tomb, there are newly laid stone platforms and steps. The stairway consists of 28 stone steps divided into four sections with each section having seven steps. This represents Zheng He's seven journeys to the West. Inscribed on top of the tomb are the Arabic words "Allahu Akbar (God is Great)".