Jumat, 28 April 2017

Arab and Islamic Astronomy

During the period when Western civilization was experiencing the dark ages, between 700-1200 A.D., an Islamic empire stretched from Central Asia to southern Europe. Scholarly learning was highly prized by the people, and they contributed greatly to science and mathematics. Many classical Greek and Roman works were translated into Arabic, and scientists expanded on the ideas. For instance, Ptolemy's model of an earth-centered universe formed the basis of Arab and Islamic astronomy, but several Islamic astronomers made observations and calculations which were considerably more accurate than Ptolemy's. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Islamic astronomy is the fact that it built on the sciences of two great cultures, the Greek and the Indian. Blending and expanding these offen different ideas led to a new science which later profoundly influenced Western scientific exploration beginning in the Renaissance.

Purposes of Islamic Astronomy
Perhaps the most vital reason that the Muslims studied the sky in so much detail was for the purpose of time-keeping. The Islamic religion requires believers to pray five times a day at specified positions of the sun. Astronomical time-keeping was the most accurate way to determine when to pray, and was also used to pin-point religious festivals. The Muslim holy book, the Koran, makes frequent reference to astronomical patterns visible in the sky, and is a major source of the traditions associated with Islamic astronomy.
Another important religious use for astronomy was for the determination of latitude and longitude. Using the stars, particularly the pole star, as guides, several tables were compiled which calculated the latitude and longitude of important cities in the Islamic world. Using this information, Muslims could be assured that they were praying in the direction of Mecca, as specified in the Koran.
Aside from religious uses, astronomy was used as a tool for navigation. The astrolabe, an instrument which calculated the positions of certain stars in order to determine direction, was invented by the Greeks and adopted and perfected by the Arabs (see picture below).
The sextant was developed by the Arabs to be a more sophisticated version of the astrolabe. This piece of technology ultimately became the cornerstone of navigation for European exploration.
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Great Islamic Astronomers
Science was considered the ultimate scholarly pursuit in the Islamic world, and it was strongly supported by the nobility. Most scientists worked in the courts of regional leaders, and were financially rewarded for their achievements. In 830, the Khalifah, al-Ma'muun, founded Bayt-al-Hikman, the 'House of Wisdom', as a central gathering place for scholars to translate texts from Greek and Persian into Arabic. These texts formed the basis of Islamic scientific knowledge.
One of the greatest Islamic astronomers was al-Khwarizmi (Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi), who lived in the 9th century and was the inventor of algebra. He developed this mathematical device completely in words, not mathematical expressions, but based the system on the Indian numbers borrowed by the Arabs (what we today call Arabic numerals). His work was translated into Latin hundreds of years later, and served as the European introduction to the Indian number system, complete with its concept of zero. Al-Khwarizmi performed detailed calculations of the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets, and did a number of eclipse calculations. He constructed a table of the latitudes and longitudes of 2,402 cities and landmarks, forming the basis of an early world map.
Another Islamic astronomer who later had an impact on Western science was al-Farghani (Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani). In the late 9th century, he wrote extensively on the motion of celestial bodies. Like most Islamic astronomers, he accepted the Ptolemaic model of the universe, and was partially responsible for spreading Ptolemaic astronomy not only in the Islamic world but also throughout Europe. In the 12th century, his works were translated into Latin, and it is said that Dante got his astronomical knowledge from al-Farghani's books.
In the late 10th century, a huge observatory was built near Tehran, Iran by the astronomer al-Khujandi. He built a large sextant inside the observatory, and was the first astronomer to be capable of measuring to an accuracy of arcseconds. He observed a series of meridian transits of the Sun, which allowed him to calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic, also known as the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the Sun. As we know today, the Earth's tilt is approximately 23o34', and al-Khujandi measured it as being 23o32'19". Using this information, he also compiled a list of latitudes and longitudes of major cities.
Omar Khayyam (Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami) was a great Persian scientist, philosopher, and poet who lived from 1048-1131. He compiled many astronomical tables and performed a reformation of the calendar which was more accurate than the Julian and came close to the Gregorian. An amazing feat was his calculation of the year to be 365.24219858156 days long, which is accurate to the 6th decimal place!
Western science owes a large debt to Islamic and Arab scientists, whose contributions range from the Arabic names of stars which we still use today to the mathematical and astronomical treatices used by Europeans to enter our modern world of science.
History of the Universe

~ Big Bang Theory – an introduction to the backbone of cosmology
~ Testing the Big Bang Model – theories and experiments throughout the years which have supported the idea of a Big Bang
~ Cosmic Microwave Background radiation – a snapshot of the early universe which is shedding light on the Big Bang
~ WMAP project - a brand new mission designed to unlock the mysteries of the universe
Questions to investigate:
What is the content of the universe?
What is the universe’s expansion rate?
Is it accelerating or decelerating?
When did the first stars form?
What is the shape of the universe?
How old is the universe?
What will be the fate of the universe?
The Big Bang Model is widely accepted as a general description of the formation and evolution of the universe, and is continually tested with observations.
12-14 billion years ago, the diameter of the universe was a few millimeters. It quickly experienced an expansion and cooling which continues today. Remnants of early hot dense matter can still be seen today as cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). The COBE satellite, launched in 1989, was the first attempt to map Big Bang radiation. The new WMAP satellite, launched in February 2003, has even more resolution and sensitivity, leading to dramatic increases in our understanding of the fundamentals of the early universe.
The Big Bang did NOT occur as an explosion at a single point in space!
Questions beyond the realm of the Big Bang Model include:
~ What happened before the Big Bang?
~ What ‘caused’ the Big Bang?
~ What is the universe expanding into?
Forces described in table below: G = gravity, EM = electromagnetic, WN = weak nuclear, SN = strong nuclear
Image credit: StarTeach
Image credit:
Big Bang Theory = General Theory of Relativity + Cosmological Principle
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (1916) is a generalization of Newton’s Law of Gravity. Gravity is described as a distortion of space and time. The Cosmological Principle is an assumption that matter in the universe is uniformly distributed when averaging over large-scales, and that the distribution of matter is homogeneous and isotropic.
The first version of relativity predicted expansion. Einstein added the cosmological constant lambda to stop the expansion. After the experimental discovery of expansion, Einstein declared that adding lambda was ‘his greatest mistake’. Was lambda really a mistake? Today there is discussion of reviving the cosmological constant as a term associated with the energy density of the vacuum. Dark energy associated with the cosmological constant could help explain the accelerating expansion and the fate of the universe!
What determines the shape of the universe? » Average density of matter
Assuming the cosmological principle holds, the universe can have one of three shapes, as shown on the right: closed, open, or flat.
Critical density ~ 6 H atoms/m^3.
Adapted from WMAP Cosmology 101
Radiation » massless and nearly massless particles that move at the speed of light (photons, neutrinos)
Baryonic Matter » ordinary matter (protons, neutrons, electrons)
Dark Matter » exotic non-baryonic matter that interacts weakly with baryonic matter (never directly observed in laboratory)
Dark Energy » mysterious, only type of matter that could cause expansion to accelerate, linked to cosmological constant
» How much of each type of matter is there?
Theoretical and experimental tests of the Big Bang Theory have been performed since 1929.
~ Hubble’s expansion law
~ Cosmic microwave background radiation
~ COBE and WMAP experiments
» All indicate reliability of Big Bang Theory!
Image credit:
In 1929, Hubble found that galaxies outside our own are moving away from us with a speed proportional to their distance from us.
How did Hubble find distances to far-away galaxies? Stars similar to Cepheid variables were used as distance markers.
Hubble's Law: velocity = Hubble constant * distance.
Recent estimates of the Hubble constant show that it is between 50 km/sec/Mpc < H < 100 km/sec/Mpc.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) ~ remnant heat from the Big Bang
1948 : CMB predicted by Gamow
1950 : CMB predicted by Alpher and Herman
1965 : CMB observed as noise in a radio receiver built by Penzias and Wilson
1965 : Paper on observations by Penzias and Wilson, paper on cosmological interpretation by Dicke, Peebles, Roll, and Wilkinson
1978 : Penzias and Wilson receive Nobel prize in physics
~ The CMB has a very uniform temperature across the entire sky of ~2.725 K.
~ CMB maps are snapshots from 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the last time that CMB photons directly scattered off matter.
~ The COBE and WMAP satellites have provided maps of the CMB that show tiny fluctuations in the temperature, which represents fluctuations in the density of matter in the early universe.
Adapted from WMAP Cosmology 101
Goal of WMAP ~ to map the relative CMB temperature over the full sky
Technical Specifications:
~ two back-to-back symmetric reflector telescopes focus microwave radiation into receivers
~ angular resolution = 0.3o
~ sensitivity = 20 mK per 0.3o square pixel
~ instrumental artifacts limited to 5 mK per pixel
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101
L2 orbit ~ Lissajous orbit about Sun-Earth Lagrange point (position where combined gravitational pull of Earth and Sun equals the centripetal force required to rotate with them), 1.5 million km from Earth.
This special orbit provides the following benefits:
~ protection from Earth’s microwave emission and magnetic field 
~ a stable thermal environment
~ the Sun, Earth, and Moon are always behind instrument’s field of view
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101
The format of a WMAP map is similar to looking at an oval map of the whole earth.
Microwave radiometers scan ~30% of the sky each day, and the full sky is scanned every six months.
WMAP records five separate frequency bands from 22-90 GHz. The five frequency-dependent maps are compiled into one, and microwave emission from the Milky Way is subtracted out. This procedure is seen on the right.
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101
How do we explain the temperature fluctuations in CMB? ~ Go BEYOND the Big Bang Theory!
The cosmological principle, an integral part of the Big Bang Model, assumes a uniform distribution of matter on global and local scales. So why are there local structures like galaxies in ‘empty’ space? Big Bang Theory does not answer these questions!
Why did galaxies form?
~ Structure grew from the gravitational pull of small fluctuations in the quasi- uniform density of the early universe.
The time sequence at the right shows how galaxies eventually formed beginning with the small clumpings of matter.
Adapted from WMAP Cosmology 101
This theory was developed by Guth, Linde, Steinhardt, and Albrecht as an extension to the Big Bang Theory.
Proposals of Inflation Theory
~ there was a period of extremely rapid expansion just after the Big Bang 
~ during this time period, the energy density of the universe was dominated by a cosmological constant term
Predictions of Inflation Theory
~ the density of the universe is close to critical density 
~ the geometry of the universe is flat and infinite
~ there are equal numbers of hot and cold spots in the CMB radiation
WMAP will directly test these predictions!
WMAP is working to compile a list of properties and characteristics of the universe:
~ Abundance of different types of matter 
~ Expansion (Hubble constant; accelerating, decelerating?)
~ Origin of structure
~ Age
~ Shape (open, closed, flat; finite, infinite?)
~ Ultimate fate
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101
Mass discrepancy: the mass inferred for most galaxies is 10 times larger than the mass associated with stars, gas, and dust. This has been confirmed by observations of gravitational lensing, the bending of light predicted by relativity. An example of gravitational lensing is shown in the Hubble photograph at the right.
Image credit: NASA
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101
Dark matter candidates:
~ MACHOs (MAssive Compact Halo Objects) 
~ supermassive black holes
~ WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), new forms of matter
WMAP ~ Hubble constant H0 = 71 km/sec/Mpc (+-5%) 
This was measured independently of the usual method using Cepheid variables.
WMAP ~ Expansion of the universe is accelerating.
‘Cosmological constant matter’ or ‘dark energy’ is critical and accounts for ~73% of the universe’s matter.
WMAP ~ Stars ignited 200 million years after Big Bang.
Equivalent to the first baby steps in the lifetime of an 80 year old person.
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101
How can we find the age of the universe? ~ determine the age of the oldest stars by measuring the expansion rate of the universe and extrapolating back to the Big Bang.
Globular clusters ~ 11-18 billion years old
Measure Hubble constant accurately and extrapolate to find ~ 12-14 billion years old
WMAP ~ The universe is 13.7 billion years old.
WMAP ~ The universe is flat!
Universal geometry is determined by the struggle between the momentum of expansion and the pull of gravity.
WMAP ~ The universe will continue to expand forever.
‘Some say the world will end in fire, others say in ice’ - Robert Frost
Big Bang Theory + Inflation Theory + Cosmological Constant Term = New Understanding of the Universe!
Image credit: StarTeach
Big Bang Theory accurately describes many aspects of the universe’s evolution.
Current theoretical and experimental research is attempting to add to the Big Bang Theory in order to explain observable phenomena.
The WMAP project has recorded a cosmic fingerprint that sheds light on the origin, structure, and fate of the universe.
Image credit: WMAP Cosmology 101

Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

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Al Biruni,

Al Biruni,

Al Biruni, inspired by the teachings of Ar Razi, who is so much to contribute in medicine and pharmacy, and then he sort of Ar Razi findings in the context of the time and type of discovery.
The Significance of compilation Al Biruni was able to convince and improve various responses skewed on Ar Razi, to develop their knowledge to Europe through Byzantium. And he did hold a discussion and defense of various denials and align the various scientific understood until then. He raised writing Ar Razi Shukuk 'ala Nazariyat jalinus, with repair and straighten the various understanding of medicine, psychology, concepts and theories of healing as a result of a spontaneous outburst Galenius (Greek philosopher = Galenius in Arabic Jalinus), at the time it gets tough challenge of society. As motivated to find answers to the challenges experienced by Galenius, he tried to find the translation and verification through its science. Conveyed to him that Galenius less successful because too confident and they lack scientific support that time to bring towards failure. The process of recording less support and Galenius just excited to show new knowledge without the support process and test scientific evidence. This alignment is done Ar Razi, became the basis for what evidentiary support Jalinus (Galenius) supported by a wide range of references and proof test is applicable.
As a professional, Ar Razi made a lot of progress in the Islamic alternative to medicine and psychology. He dared to bring medicine and psychology the scientific direction, to dare to challenge the physician when it is based only on knowledge derived closed and without proof. The physician then uses only non-scientific method and critical patients recover without any indication of the likelihood of relapse and the introduction of dose, and even make disease grounds as something supernatural when they could not cure him. Ar Razi educate the physicians that medical science and psychology as a science that is constantly evolving and always need adjustment supported by the development of knowledge and research and the latest information. In the medical books he has recorded three disease categories, namely; 1) which can be cured, 2) That might be cured and 3) that can not be cured. In his research he has been researching cancer, leprosy who believed that time can not be cured. Due to the controversy it conveys Ar Razi willing not to get the patient, as well as recognition awards fellow profession at that time.
Through the book Man la Yahduruhu, He provides dedication makes the book a way of healing, which serves as a guide for the people, especially the poor, and certain people who want to get protection and health response when remote or no physician. Furthermore, this book is the beginning of the history of pharmacy is equipped with the next issue, which beriisi of 36 chapters. In the book also described the procedure of healing through diet, and medication records and further details of the user who up to now become a reference pharmacist and should be available in pharmacies and drugstores and to lay in doing self-medication. Even in Bur book he edited Hour shorthand way of healing diseases and disease symptoms records that do not need to consult with a physician. While the special review diet and the effect of diet on health, he published the book Manafi 'al-Aghdhiyyah, including diet and its phases.
Other physician at the time of Ibn Masawayh write also about pharmacology and medical science with the approach followed by the exposition of the subject, which is not only pharmacology and medicine that are considered important, but knowledge of food, nutrition and culinary to be important to their health. Recognized by Ar Razi does it lead role and impact related benefits, until penelitianya He discovered alcohol and bahayan obtained from grape nectars. At that time he has been concluded as a result of alcohol use have an indication of the onset of epilepsy, paralysis, dementia symptoms, Chirosis, hepatitis, mental disorders, vision disorders, obesity (obesity) and impotence.
Research on the body's healing efforts of various diseases, he admits lack pahamannya on the influence of the soul to the body, but he continued to perform scientific observations and care for the continuity psychoterapy.
Still in his day, a pharmacist al-Mansuri and Tibb ar-Ruhani, (906-907) recognizes the difficulty of doing research between body and soul, but the recognition of Ar Razi has given archetype in the continuation of his research. Sajih Abu Mansur ibn Ishaq ibn Ahmad ibn Asad divide the 20 chapters the results Tibb ar-discuss the spiritual and objectively with Ar Razi on the subject in the know; and understanding patterns of human desires, human stimulation, pleasure, anger, pain, unconsciousness, memory loss, victory and death. That the real man is a creature that has a high level of complexity, have an appreciation of the various interests to psychotherapy and psychology as a whole and this is important in a series of human healing.
Compilation book al-Hawi fit-Tibb became the forerunner of medical encyclopedia that systematically describes various medical knowledge termasik various medical explanations ancient times, the development of Islamic dijaman physician. Despite the book has not been fully edited as Ar Razi trigger death, but his disciples who have mewarisimateria medica and healing arts and pharmaceuticals including dosage and toxicologi knowledge, has continued his completeness.
The book on the Islamic era until the end of the renaissance and medieval consistently become a reference of the pharmacists in giving prescriptions for curing disease. The entry of the various elements in the treatment of for example mineral instance vitriol, copper, mercury and arsenic salt, salmoniak, chalk, clay, coral, pearl, tar and bitumen was first performed by Ar Razi in doing chemoterapy. Similarly, he also recommends the use of opium in anesthesia techniques. Special diet books and healing with medicinal edited and finish by Ahmad b. Abi al-Ash'ath in his second Quwa al-Adwiyyah and al-Ghadhi wal-Mughtadhi in the year 965 AD
Quwa al-Adwiyyah book consists of three parts and mepaparkan the general rules and regulations in the response to treatment, is associated with a diet of herbs, minerals khewani and drug use. It is understood the time that the body itself produces the active substance for the prevention of diseases and plants can be used as a complement. The book is dedicated and explanations above for both pupil Mohammed bin Ayyub Ibn ath-Thallaj of Mosul, and Ahmad bin. Mohammed al-Baladi. Ibn Abi al-Ash'ath explanation in the book is mainly about the three principles relating to disease and health, endurance and indications of symptoms as well as other diseases in general.
The general rule regarding drugs described body treatment, symptoms and preventive efforts as well as the causes and side effects. In detail, he also explains in his book about the five principles associated with the cause of the disease and the effect on health, among others; the condition of the air around our place of rest and activity, body manifestations, infusion and evacuation as well as a variety of things that affect the body, as well as the impact of food and drink intake can affect the body's health.
The new way of simple treatment can be done by warming, compress (cooling), massage or drying. Stages of healing to do next through understanding pharmacology; which must be carried out by experts or who really understand. That time he has given the critics is a good physician is not oriented to income but it must be oriented towards the development of knowledge and successful cure.
Development of the anatomy and animals more developed by his student Ibn Abi al-Ash'ath. Associated with Psychoterapy has been learned about; consciousness and unconsciousness peeled into 6 chapters, among others, explained that sleep is a control function of the brain, which is associated with other organs. Kematianmerupakan bed and sleep two different things is the interaction of the brain (active motion) is coupled therein contemplation, memory (reminiscence) and imajinasi.bahkan in sleep he classifies three stages of sleep, namely; the early stages of sleep; sleep with a dream and deep sleep without dreams. Lately known Ibn Abi al-Ash'ath's gain medical knowledge also of Abu Mahir Musa bin Sayyar. A royal physician of King Adud ad-Dawla (983 M), which has managed to put together a medical kopendium Al Maliki or in the western hemisphere known as Liber Rigius. Eksiklopedi mentioned above consists of 12 chapters way of healing including theory and practice procedures for drug delivery. Also equipped with herbal treatment protocols, as well as through mineral khewani.
In conducting the treatment explained through a classification by age, sex, changes in the face, the sharpness of vision must be taken into consideration in conducting examination and healing patients.
Abu Raihan al-Biruni (also, Biruni, Al Biruni, born 5 September 973 - meninggal13 December 1048 at the age of 75 years) (Persian: ابوریحان بیرونی; Arabic: أبو الريحان البيروني) is a Persian mathematician, astronomer, physicist, scholar, encyclopedia writer, philosopher, traveler, historian, pharmacist and teacher, which greatly contributed to the fields of mathematics, philosophy, medicine.
Abu Raihan al-Biruni was born in Khawarazmi, Turkmenistan or Khiva in kawasanDanau Aral in Central Asia at that time located in the Persian empire. He studied mathematics and study stars of Abu Nasr Mansur.
Abu Raihan al-Biruni was a friend philosopher and drugs Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina / Avicenna, historian, philosopher and ethicist Ibn Miskawayh, at the university and science center founded by the son of Abu Al Abbas Ma ' Khawarazmshah mun. Abu Raihan al-Biruni also wander over to India by Mahmud of Ghazni and accompanied him in ketenteraannya there, studying languages, philosophy and religion and wrote a book about it. He also mastered several languages ​​including Greek, Syriac, and the Berber language, Sanskrit.
Al-Biruni wrote many books in Persian language (mother tongue) and Arabic.
Here are the works of Al-Biruni is:
• When the 17-year-old, he examined the latitude for Kath, Khwarazm, using solar maxima altitude.
• At the age of 22, he wrote some quick work, including a study of map projections, "Cartography", which termasukmetodologi to make projections hemisphere on a plane.
• At the age of 27, he has written a book called "Chronology" which refers to any work produced by him (now no more), including a book about the astrolabe, a book on the decimal system, four books on assessment star, and two books on history.
• He made a research to 6339.6 kilometer radius of the Earth (this result was repeated in the West in the 16th century).

The contribution of Muslim Geographers
A series of Muslim geographers have contributed to the development of earth sciences. Al-Kindi geographers recognized as meritorious as the first to introduce experiment in earth sciences. Meanwhile, Al-Biruni lined up as 'the father of geodesy' which has contributed to the geography and geology.
John J O'Connor and Edmund F Robertson wrote its recognition of the contribution of Al-Biruni in MacTutor History of Mathematics. According to them, '' Al-Biruni has donated an important contribution to the development of geography and geodesy. It was he who introduced the technique of earth and distance measurement using triangulation. ''
Al-Biruni who discovered the Earth reaches 6339.6 km radius. Until the 16th century AD, the West has not been able to measure the radius of the earth as did al-Biruni. Mr history of science, George Sarton, also recognizes the contribution of Muslim scholars in the development of geography and geology. '' We find in his writings metedo chemical research, a theory about the formation of iron. ''
One of the peculiarities that developed Muslim geographers is the emergence of bio-geography. It was driven by a number of Arabs in the era of the Caliphate were interested in distributing and classifying plants, animals, and the evolution of life. Muslim scholars tried to analyze various types of plants.

Muslim geographers in the Golden Age
1. Hisham al-Kalbi (8th century AD)
He was the first geographer in the history of Islam. Hisham was so popular with the deep study of the Arab region.
2. Musa Al-Khwarizmi (780 AD - 850 AD)
Mathematician who also geographers it revised the outlook Ptolemaues about geography. Together 70 twenty geographer, Al-Khwarizmi made the first map of the globe in the year 830 AD
3. Al-Ya'qubi (died 897 AD)
He wrote a geography book titled 'The countries' that are so popular with the study topografisnya.
4. Ibn Khordadbeh (820 AD - 912 AD)
He was a student of Al-Kindi who studies the streets in various provinces carefully and pour it into the book Al Masalik wa Al-Mamalik (Roads and the Kingdom).
5. Al-Dinawari (828 AD - 898 AD)
Muslim geographers who also has contributed to the development of the science of geography.
6. Hamdani (893 AD - 945 AD) Muslim Geographers 9th century AD that dedicated itself to developing geographies.
7. Ali al-Masudi (896 AD - 956 AD)
Full name Abul Hasan Ali Al-Ma'sudi. He studied the internal and external factors that influence the formation of the earth batubatuan with astonishing originality.
8. Ahmad ibn Fadlan (10th century AD)
He is a geographer who wrote an encyclopedia and a story of a trip to the Volga and the Caspian region.
9. Ahmad ibn Rustah (10th century AD)
Ibn Rustah is a geographer who wrote a huge encyclopedia of the geography. Al Balkhi Gives sizeable contribution in mapping the world. Al Kindi As well as oceanographers, he was also a scientist multitalented. As a physicist, optics, metallurgy, and even philosophy.
10. Al Istakhar II and Ibn Hawqal (10th century AD)
A major contribution in mapping the world.
11. Al-Idrisi (1099 AD)
Famous geographer of his time, which is also known as a zoologist.
12. Al Baghdadi (1162 M)
A leading Muslim geographers.
13. Abdul-Leteef Mawaffaq (1162 M)
In addition to experts in geography, he is also an expert treatment.

Al Biruni noted astronomer well as this one, to give my contribution in the field of astrology in the Renaissance. He has declared that the earth rotates on its axis. At that time, Al-Biruni also have estimated the size of the earth and correct the direction of Makkah scientifically from various directions in the world. From 150 the fruit of thought, 35 of them dedicated to the field of astronomy.
He is a Persian mathematician, astronomer, physicist, scholar, encyclopedist, philosopher, traveler, historian, pharmacist and teacher, which greatly contributed to the fields of mathematics, philosophy, medicine ...
The work of Al-Biruni more than 120 books.
His contributions to the field of mathematics namely:
The theoretical and practical arithmetic
summation series
Combinatorial analysis
rule number 3
Irrational numbers
comparison theory
definition of algebra
method of solving algebraic summation
Theorem Archimedes
Angle triangle
Results keryanya addition to the field of mathematics, namely:
• Critical study of the words of India, whether to accept or reject reason (Arabic تحقيق ما للهند من مقولة معقولة في العقل أم مرذولة) - a summary of the religion and philosophy of India
• Remaining Signs of Past Century (Arabic الآثار الباقية عن القرون الخالية) - a comparative study of calendars of different cultures and different civilizations, linked to information about mathematics, astronomy, and history.
• Mas'udi Regulation (Arabic القانون المسعودي) - a book about Astronomy, Geography and Technical Expertise. This book is named Mas'ud, as his dedication to Mas'ud, son of Mahmud of Ghazni.
• Understanding Astrology (Arabic التفهيم لصناعة التنجيم) - questions and answers about mathematical models and astronomy book, in Arabic and Persian
• Pharmacy - about drugs and medicine
• Gems (Arabic الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر) about geology, minerals, and gems, dedicated to Mawdud son Mas'ud
• URL: (English) Al Beruni "On Stones" complete online text
• Astrolab
• A summary of history
• History of Mahmud of Ghazni and his father

His contributions to the field of mathematics namely:
The theoretical and practical arithmetic
summation series
Combinatorial analysis
rule number 3
Irrational numbers
comparison theory
definition of algebra
method of solving algebraic summation
Theorem Archimedes
Angle triangle

1. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
2. Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
3. ES Kennedy, A commentary upon Biruni's "Kitab al-Amakin Tahdid": An
11th century Treatise on mathematical geography (Beirut, 1973).
4. IM Muminov (ed.), Al-Biruni and Ibn Sina: Correspondence (Russian) (Tashkent, 1973).
5. BA Rozenfel'd, MM Rozhanskaya and ZK Skolovskaya, Abu'l-65 Rayhan al-Biruni (973-1048) (Russian) (Moscow, 1973).
6. HU Sadykov, Biruni and his work on astronomy and mathematical geography (Russian) (Moscow, 1953).
7. HM Said (ed.), Al-Biruni commemorative volume: Proceedings of the International Congress held in Karachi, November 26-December 12, 1973 (Karachi, 1979).
8. SH Sirazdinov and GP Matvievskaja, al-Biruni and his mathematical
works (Russian) (Moscow, 1978).
9. F Zikrillaev, Al-Biruni's works on physics (Russian) (Tashkent, 1973).

Al Biruni, terinspirasi ajaran Ar Razi, yang begitu banyak memberi sumbangan dalam ilmu kedokteran dan farmasi, kemudian ia memilah berbagai temuan Ar Razi dalam konteks waktu dan jenis penemuan.
Yang penting dari kompilasi Al Biruni adalah berhasil meyakinkan dan memperbaiki berbagai tanggapan miring atas Ar Razi, hingga mengembangkan ilmunya ke Eropa melalui Byzantium. Iapun melakukan diskusi dan mengadakan pembelaan dari berbagai bantahan serta meluruskan berbagai keilmuan yang dipahami hingga saat itu. Ia mengangkat tulisan Ar Razi Shukuk ‘ala Nazariyat jalinus, dengan memperbaiki dan meluruskan berbagai pemahaman tentang ilmu kedokteran, psychology, konsep dan teori penyembuhan sebagai hasil cetusan dari Galenius (filsuf yunani = Galenius dalam bahasa arab Jalinus), pada jaman itu mendapat tantangan yang keras dari masyarakatnya. Seolah terdorong mencari jawaban dari tantangan yang dialami Galenius, Ia berupaya mencari penjabaran dan pembuktian melalui keilmuan yang dimilikinya. Disampaikan olehnya bahwa Galenius kurang berhasil karena terlalu percaya diri dan masih kurangnya dukungan keilmuan waktu itu hingga membawa kearah kegagalan. Proses pencatatan kurang mendukung dan Galenius hanya bersemangat menampilkan pengetahuan baru tanpa dukungan proses maupun uji pembuktian ilmiah. Pelurusan inilah yang dilakukan Ar Razi, menjadi dasar untuk menunjang pembuktian apa yang dilakukan Jalinus (Galenius) didukung berbagai referensi dan uji pembuktian secara aplikatif.
Sebagai seorang profesional, Ar Razi banyak membuat progres dalam alternatif bagi kedokteran islam dan ilmu psikologi . Ia berani membawa ilmu kedokteran dan psychologi kearah ilmiah, hingga berani menantang para tabib saat itu yang mendasarkan hanya pada ilmu turunan yang tertutup dan tanpa pembuktian. Tabib saat itu hanya menggunakan cara non ilmiah dan yang penting pasien sembuh tanpa indikasi kemungkinan kambuh maupun pengenalan dosis, bahkan menjadikan alasan penyakit sebagai sesuatu yang supra natural apabila mereka tidak sanggup menyembuhkannya. Ar Razi mendidik para tabib bahwa ilmu kedokteran dan Psikologi sebagai ilmu yang senantiasa berkembang dan selalu perlu penyesuaian yang didukung dengan pengembangan pengetahuan dan penelitian dan informasi terbaru. Dalam buku kedokterannya ia telah mencatat tiga katagori penyakit yaitu ; 1) yang dapat disembuhkan, 2) Yang mungkin disembuhkan dan 3) yang tidak bisa disembuhkan. Dalam penelitiannya ia telah meneliti penyakit kanker, lepra yang diyakini saat itu tidak dapat disembuhkan. Akibat kontroversi yang disampaikannya Ar Razi rela tidak mendapatkan pasien, penghargaan maupun pengakuan sesama profesi saat itu.
Melalui buku Man la Yahduruhu, Ia memberikan dedikasi membuat buku cara penyembuhan, yang menjadi panduan bagi masyarakat terutama masyarakat miskin, dan orang-orang tertentu yang ingin mendapat perlindungan dan penanggulangan kesehatan disaat jauh atau tidak ada tabib. Lebih lanjut buku ini awal sejarah kefarmasian yang dilengkapi dengan terbitan berikutnya, yang beriisi dari 36 bab. Dalam buku tersebut dijelaskan pula tatacara penyembuhan melalui diet, dan berbagai catatan obat dan rincian penggunaannya yang selanjutnya hingga kini menjadi acuan farmasis dan harus tersedia di apotik maupun toko obat dan bagi awam dalam melakukan self medikasi. Bahkan dalam buku Bur as-Sa’ah ia menyunting cara singkat penyembuhan penyakit dan catatan gejala penyakit yang tidak perlu berkonsultasi dengan tabib. Sedangkan ulasan khusus diet dan pengaruh pola makan terhadap kesehatan, ia terbitkan dalam buku Manafi’ al-Aghdhiyyah, termasuk didalamnya pola makan dan tahapan-tahapannya.
Seorang tabib lainnya pada jaman itu Ibn Masawayh menulis pula mengenai farmakologi dan ilmu kedokteran dengan sisi pendekatan melalui eksposisi subjek, yaitu tidak hanya farmakologi dan ilmu kedokteran yang dianggap penting, namun pemahaman pangan, gizi dan kuliner menjadi penting terhadap kondisi kesehatan. Diakui oleh Ar Razi memang hal itu membawa peran terkait manfaat dan dampak, hingga penelitianya Ia menemukan Alkohol dan bahayan yang diperoleh dari saripati anggur. Saat itu ia telah menyimpulkan sebagai dampak penggunaan alkohol mempunyai indikasi terhadap timbulnya penyakit epilepsi, paralysis, gejala pikun, Chirosis, hepatitis, gangguan mental, gangguan pengelihatan , kegemukan (obesitas) dan impotensi.
Penelitiannya terhadap upaya penyembuhan tubuh dari berbagai penyakit, ia mengakui kekurang pahamannya atas pengaruh jiwa terhadap tubuh, namun ia terus melakukan pengamatan ilmiah dan peduli terhadap kelangsungan psychoterapy.
Masih pada zamannya, seorang farmasis al-Mansuri dan Tibb ar-Ruhani, (906-907) mengakui sulitnya melakukan penelitian antara tubuh dan jiwa, namun diakuinya Ar Razi telah memberi pola dasar dalam kelanjutan penelitiannya. Abu Sajih Mansur bin Ishaq bin Ahmad bin Asad membagi 20 bab hasil penelitian Tibb ar-Ruhani dan mendiskusikannya secara objektif dengan Ar Razi mengenai hal tersebut dalam mengetahui ; pola pemahaman dan keinginan manusia, rangsangan manusia, kesenangan, kemarahan, kesakitan, ketidaksadaran, kehilangan ingatan, kemenangan dan kematian. Bahwa sesungguhnya manusia merupakan mahluk yang mempunyai tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi, memiliki apresiasi terhadap berbagai kepentingan terhadap psikoterapi dan psikologi sebagai suatu kesatuan dan hal penting dalam rangkaian penyembuhan manusia.
Kompilasi buku al-Hawi fit-Tibb menjadi cikal bakal ensiklopedi kedokteran yang secara sistimatis menjelaskan berbagai pengetahuan kedokteran termasik berbagai penjelasan kedokteran zaman dulu, perkembangan tabib dijaman islam. Kendati buku tersebut belum teredit secara lengkap karena Ar Razi keburu wafat, namun para muridnya yang telah mewarisimateria medica dan seni pengobatan dan farmasi termasuk pengetahuan dosis dan toxicologi , telah melanjutkan kelengkapan tulisannya.
Buku tersebut pada zaman Islam hingga renaisance dan akhir abad pertengahan konsisten menjadi acuan para farmasis dalam memberikan resep bagi penyembuhan penyakit. Masuknya berbagai unsur dalam pengobatan misalnya mineral misalnya vitriol, tembaga, air raksa dan garam arsen, salmoniak, kapur, lempung, koral, mutiara, tar dan bitumen dilakukan pertama kali oleh Ar Razi dalam melakukan chemoterapy. Begitu pula iapun merekomendasikan pemakaian opium dalam melakukan teknik pembiusan. Khusus buku diet dan penyembuhan dengan obat disunting dan tuntaskan oleh Ahmad b. Abi al-Ash’ath dalam kedua bukunya Quwa al-Adwiyyah dan al-Ghadhi wal-Mughtadhi pada tahun 965 M
Buku Quwa al-Adwiyyah terdiri dari tiga bagian dan mepaparkan mengenai aturan umum dan peraturan dalam penanggulangan pengobatan, terkait dengan pola makan dari tumbuhan, khewani dan penggunaan obat mineral. Telah dipahami waktu itu bahwa tubuh sendiri menghasilkan zat aktif bagi penanggulangan penyakit dan tumbuh-tumbuhan pun dapat dijadikan pelengkap. Buku tersebut di atas didedikasikan dan penjelasan bagi kedua muridnya Mohammed bin Ayyub Ibn ath-Thallaj dari Mosul, dan Ahmad bin. Mohammed al-Baladi. Ibn Abi al-Ash’ath penjelasannya dalam buku tersebut terutama mengenai 3 prinsip yang terkait dengan penyakit dan kesehatan, daya tahan tubuh dan indikasi gejala yang timbul serta penyakit lain pada umumnya.
Mengenai obat dijelaskan Aturan umum pengobatan tubuh, gejala dan upaya penanggulangannya serta penyebab dan efek samping. Secara rinci iapun menjelaskan dalam bukunya mengenai 5 prinsip yang terkait dengan Penyebab penyakit dan pengaruh terhadap kesehatan antara lain ; kondisi udara disekitar tempat kita beristirahat dan melakukan kegiatan, manifestasi tubuh, infusi dan evakuasi serta berbagai hal yang berpengaruh pada tubuh, begitupun dampak dari asupan makanan dan minuman dapat berpengaruh pada kesehatan tubuh.
Cara baru pengobatan sederhana dapat dilakukan dengan penghangatan, kompres (pendinginan), pemijatan atau pengeringan. Tahapan penyembuhan yang dapat dilakukan berikutnya melalui pemahaman pharmacology; yang harus dilakukan oleh ahlinya atau yang betul-betul memahami. Jaman itu ia telah memberikan kritisi yaitu seorang tabib yang baik tidak berorientasi pada penghasilan namun ia harus berorientasi pada pengembangan pengetahuan dan keberhasilan menyembuhkan penyakit.
Pengembangan terhadap anatomi tubuh dan khewan lebih dikembangkan oleh muridnya Ibn Abi al-Ash’ath. Terkait dengan Psychoterapy telah dipelajari mengenai ; kesadaran dan ketidaksadaran dikupas dalam 6 bab, antara lain dijelaskan bahwa tidur adalah merupakan kontrol fungsi otak, yang berhubungan dengan organ tubuh lainnya. Tidur dan kematianmerupakan dua hal yang berbeda Tidur merupakan interaksi kerja otak (active motion) yang terangkai didalamnya kontemplasi, memori (reminiscence) dan imajinasi.bahkan dalam tidur ia mengklasifikasikan 3 tahapan tidur yaitu ; tahap awal tidur ; tidur dengan mimpi dan tidur nyenyak tanpa mimpi. Belakangan ini diketahui Ibn Abi al-Ash’ath’s mendapatkan pengetahuan kedokteran pula dari Abu Mahir Musa bin Sayyar. Seorang tabib istana Raja Adud ad-Dawlah (983 M) yang telah berhasil menyusun kopendium kedokteran Al Maliki atau di belahan barat dikenal dengan Liber Rigius. Eksiklopedi tersebut di atas terdiri dari 12 bab cara penyembuhan termasuk teori dan tatacara praktek pemberian obat. Dilengkapi pula tatacara pengobatan melalui herbal , khewani maupun melalui mineral.
Dalam melakukan pengobatan dijelaskan pula melalui klasifikasi berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, perubahan pada wajah, ketajaman pengelihatan harus menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam melakukan pemeriksaan dan penyembuhan pasien.
Abu Raihan Al-Biruni (juga, Biruni, Al Biruni; lahir 5 September 973 – meninggal13 Desember 1048 pada umur 75 tahun) (bahasa Persia: ابوریحان بیرونی ; bahasa Arab: أبو الريحان البيروني) merupakan matematikawan Persia, astronom, fisikawan, sarjana, penulis ensiklopedia, filsuf, pengembara, sejarawan, ahli farmasi dan guru, yang banyak menyumbang kepada bidang matematika, filsafat, obat-obatan.
Abu Raihan Al-Biruni dilahirkan di Khawarazmi, Turkmenistan atau Khiva di kawasanDanau Aral di Asia Tengah yang pada masa itu terletak dalam kekaisaran Persia. Dia belajar matematika dan pengkajian bintang dari Abu Nashr Mansur.
Abu Raihan Al-Biruni merupakan teman filsuf dan ahli obat-obatan Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina/Ibnu Sina, sejarawan, filsuf, dan pakar etik Ibnu Miskawaih, di universitas dan pusat sains yang didirikan oleh putera Abu Al Abbas Ma'mun Khawarazmshah. Abu Raihan Al-Biruni juga mengembara ke India dengan Mahmud dari Ghazni dan menemani dia dalam ketenteraannya di sana, mempelajari bahasa, falsafah dan agama mereka dan menulis buku mengenainya. Dia juga menguasai beberapa bahasa diantaranya bahasa Yunani, bahasa Suriah, dan bahasa Berber,bahasa Sanskerta.
Al-Biruni menulis banyak buku dalam bahasa Persia (bahasa ibunya) dan bahasa Arab.
Berikut karya-karya Al-Biruni ialah:
·  Ketika berusia 17 tahun, dia meneliti garis lintang bagi Kath, Khwarazm, dengan menggunakan altitude maksima matahari.
·  Ketika berusia 22, dia menulis beberapa hasil kerja ringkas, termasuk kajian proyeksi peta, "Kartografi", yang termasukmetodologi untuk membuat proyeksi belahan bumi pada bidang datar.
·  Ketika berusia 27, dia telah menulis buku berjudul "Kronologi" yang merujuk kepada hasil kerja lain yang dihasilkan oleh dia (sekarang tiada lagi) termasuk sebuah buku tentang astrolab, sebuah buku tentang sistem desimal, 4 buku tentang pengkajian bintang, dan 2 buku tentang sejarah.
·  Dia membuat penelitian radius Bumi kepada 6.339,6 kilometer (hasil ini diulang di Barat pada abad ke 16).

Kontribusi Geografer Muslim
Sederet geografer Muslim telah banyak memberi kontribusi bagi pengembangan ilmu bumi. Al-Kindi diakui begitu berjasa sebagai geografer pertama yang memperkenalkan percobaan ke dalam ilmu bumi. Sedangkan, Al-Biruni didapuk sebagai ‘bapak geodesi’ yang banyak memberi kontribusi terhadap geografi dan juga geologi.
John J O’Connor dan Edmund F Robertson menuliskan pengakuannya terhadap kontribusi Al-Biruni dalam MacTutor History of Mathematics. Menurut mereka, ‘’Al-Biruni telah menyumbangkan kontribusi penting bagi pengembangan geografi dan geodesi. Dialah yang memperkenalkan teknik pengukuran bumi dan jaraknya dengan menggunakan triangulation.’’
Al-Biruni-lah yang menemukan radius bumi mencapai 6.339,6 km. Hingga abad ke-16 M, Barat belum mampu mengukur radius bumi seperti yang dilakukan Al-Biruni. Bapak sejarah sains, George Sarton, juga mengakui kontribusi sarjana Muslim dalam pengembangan geografi dan geologi. ‘’Kita menemukan dalam tulisannya metedo penelitian kimia, sebuah teori tentang pembentukan besi.’’
Salah satu kekhasan yang dikembangkan geografer Muslim adalah munculnya bio-geografi. Hal itu didorong oleh banyaknya orang Arab di era kekhalifahan yang tertarik untuk mendistribusi dan mengklasifikasi tanaman, binatang, dan evolusi kehidupan. Para sarjana Muslim mencoba menganalisis beragam jenis tanaman.

Geografer Muslim di Era Keemasan
1. Hisyam Al-Kalbi (abad ke-8 M)
Dia adalah ahli ilmu bumi pertama dalam sejarah Islam. Hisyam begitu populer dengan studinya yang mendalam mengenai kawasan Arab.
2. Musa Al-Khawarizmi (780 M – 850 M)
Ahli matematika yang juga geografer itu merevisi pandangan Ptolemaues mengenai geografi. Bersama-sama 70 puluh geografer, Al-Khawarizmi membuat peta globe pertama pada tahun 830 M.
3. Al-Ya’qubi (wafat 897 M)
Dia menulis buku geografi bertajuk ‘Negeri-negeri’ yang begitu populer dengan studi topografisnya.
4. Ibn Khordadbeh (820 M – 912 M)
Dia adalah murid Al-Kindi yang mempelajari jalan-jalan di berbagai provinsi secara cermat dan menuangkannya ke dalam buku Al- Masalik wa Al-Mamalik (Jalan dan Kerajaan).
5. Al-Dinawari (828 M – 898 M)
Geografer Muslim yang juga banyak memberi kontribusi pada perkembangan ilmu geografi.
6. Hamdani (893 M – 945 M) Geografer Muslim abad ke-9 M yang mendedikasikan dirinya untuk mengembangkan geografi.
7. Ali al-Masudi (896 M – 956 M)
Nama lengkapnya Abul hasan Ali Al-Ma’sudi. Ia mempelajari faktorfaktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pembentukan batubatuan di bumi dengan orisinalitas yang mencengangkan.
8. Ahmad ibn Fadlan (abad ke-10 M)
Dia adalah geografer yang menulis ensiklopedia dan kisah perjalanan ke daerah Volga dan Kaspia.
9. Ahmad ibn Rustah (abad ke-10 M)
Ibnu Rustah merupakan geografer yang menulis ensiklopedia besar mengenai geografi. Al Balkhi Memberikan sumbangan cukup besar dalam pemetaan dunia. Al Kindi Selain terkenal sebagai ahli oseanografi, dia juga seorang ilmuwan multitalenta. Sebagai ahli fisika, optik, metalurgi, bahkan filosofi.
10. Al Istakhar II dan Ibnu Hawqal (abad ke-10 M)
Memberikan kontribusi besar dalam pemetaan dunia.
11. Al-Idrisi (1099 M)
Ahli geografi kesohor pada zamannya, yang juga dikenal sebagai ahli zoologi.
12. Al Baghdadi (1162 M)
Seorang geografer Muslim terkemuka.
13. Abdul-Leteef Mawaffaq (1162 M)
Selain pakar geografi, dia juga merupakan ahli pengobatan.

Al Biruni  tercatat pula sebagai Ahli astronomi yang satu ini, turut memberi sumbangan dalam bidang astrologi pada zaman Renaissance. Ia telah menyatakan bahwa bumi berputar pada porosnya. Pada zaman itu, Al-Biruni juga telah memperkirakan ukuran bumi dan membetulkan arah kota Makkah secara saintifik dari berbagai arah di dunia. Dari 150 hasil buah pikirnya, 35 diantaranya didedikasikan untuk bidang astronomi.
Ia merupakan matematikawan Persia, astronom, fisikawan, sarjana, penulis ensiklopedia, filsuf, pengembara, sejarawan, ahli farmasi dan guru, yang banyak menyumbang kepada bidang matematika, filsafat, obat-obatan...
Hasil karya Al-Biruni melebihi 120 buah buku.
Sumbangannya pada bidang matematika yakni:
Aritmatika teoritis and praktis
penjumlahan seri
kaidah angka 3
teori perbandingan
definisi aljabar
metode pemecahan penjumlahan aljabar
Sudut segitiga
Hasil keryanya selain bidang matematika yaitu:
·  Kajian kritis tentang ucapan orang India, apakah menerima dengan alasan atau menolak (bahasa Arab تحقيق ما للهند من مقولة معقولة في العقل أم مرذولة) - sebuah ringkasan tentang agama dan filosofi India
·  Tanda yang Tersisa dari Abad Lampau (bahasa Arab الآثار الباقية عن القرون الخالية) - kajian komparatif tentang kalender dari berbagai budaya dan peradaban yang berbeda, dihubungkan dengan informasi mengenai matematika, astronomi, dan sejarah.
·  Peraturan Mas'udi (bahasa Arab القانون المسعودي) - sebuah buku tentang Astronomi, Geografi dan Keahlian Teknik. Buku ini diberi nama Mas'ud, sebagai dedikasinya kepada Mas'ud, putra Mahmud dari Ghazni.
·  Pengertian Astrologi (bahasa Arab التفهيم لصناعة التنجيم) - pertanyaan dan jawaban model buku tentang matematika dan astronomi, dalam bahasa Arab dan bahasa Persia
·  Farmasi - tentang obat dan ilmu kedokteran
·  Permata (bahasa Arab الجماهر في معرفة الجواهر) tentang geologi, mineral, dan permata, dipersembahkan untuk Mawdud putra Mas'ud
·  Astrolab
·  Buku ringkasan sejarah
·  Riwayat Mahmud dari Ghazni dan ayahnya

Sumbangannya pada bidang matematika yakni:
Aritmatika teoritis and praktis
penjumlahan seri
Analisis kombinatorial
kaidah angka 3
Bilangan irasional
teori perbandingan
definisi aljabar
metode pemecahan penjumlahan aljabar
Teorema Archimedes
Sudut segitiga

1. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
2. Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
3. E S Kennedy, A commentary upon Biruni's "Kitab Tahdid al-Amakin" : An
11th century treatise on mathematical geography (Beirut, 1973).
4. I M Muminov (ed.), al-Biruni and Ibn Sina : Correspondence (Russian)(Tashkent, 1973).
5. B A Rozenfel'd, M M Rozhanskaya and Z K Skolovskaya, Abu'l-Rayhan al-65 Biruni (973-1048) (Russian) (Moscow, 1973).
6. H U Sadykov, Biruni and his work on astronomy and mathematical geography (Russian) (Moscow, 1953).
7. H M Said (ed.), al-Biruni commemorative volume : Proceedings of the International Congress held in Karachi, November 26-December 12, 1973 (Karachi, 1979).
8. S H Sirazdinov and G P Matvievskaja, al-Biruni and his mathematical
works (Russian) (Moscow, 1978).
9. F Zikrillaev, Al-Biruni's works on physics (Russian) (Tashkent, 1973).

Terbang Ibnu Firnas
Aircraft Ibn Firnas and sketches of flying machines Abbas Qasim Ibn Firnas (in the West known as Armen Firman) was born in 810 AD in Izn-Rand Onda, Al-Andalus (now Ronda, Spain). He is known to experts in the various disciplines, in addition to a chemist, he was also a humanist, inventor, musician, physicist, poet, and a technology activist. This man of Moroccan descent live in the present reign of the Umayyad caliph in Andalusia (Spain). In the year 852, under the reign of Caliph Abdul Rahman II, Ibn Firnas decided to test 'fly' from the minaret Mezquita in Cordoba by using some sort of wings of wood propped cloak. Artificial wings turned out to make it float while in the air and slow the fall, he also managed to land even with minor injuries. The tools used Ibn Firnas is then known as the world's first parachute. In the year 875, when the age of 65 years, Ibn Firnas designing and making a flying machine capable of carrying humans. Once the final version has been established, he deliberately inviting people to participate witnessed Cordoba historical cost in Jabal Al-'Arus (Mount of the Bride) in the Rusafa district, near Cordoba. The flight was witnessed by the community was fairly successful. Unfortunately, because of the way sliding unfavorable, Ibn Firnas slammed into the ground along with homemade gliders. He also suffered a severe back injury. Injury that makes Ibn Firnas powerless to do next test. Abbas Ibn Firnas died in the year 888, in a state struggling to heal a back injury suffered as a result of failure to test homemade gliders. Although experiments to fly using a pair of wings from feathers and wood frame does not work perfectly, but the innovative ideas of Ibn Firnas then studied Roger Bacon 500 years after the laying Firnas basic theories plane. Then, about 200 years after Bacon (700 years pascaujicoba Ibn Firnas), then the concepts and theories developed aircraft.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-photos-multimedia/41123-first-flight-remembring-abbas-ibn-firnas.html#ixzz2H4EznTn9

Pesawat Terbang Ibnu Firnas dan Sketsa mesin terbangnya Abbas Qasim Ibnu Firnas (di Barat dikenal dengan nama Armen Firman) dilahirkan pada tahun 810 Masehi di Izn-Rand Onda, Al-Andalus (kini Ronda, Spanyol). Dia dikenal ahli dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, selain seorang ahli kimia, ia juga seorang humanis, penemu, musisi, ahli ilmu alam, penulis puisi, dan seorang penggiat teknologi. Pria keturunan Maroko ini hidup pada saat pemerintahan Khalifah Umayyah di Andalusia (Spanyol). Pada tahun 852, di bawah pemerintahan Khalifah Abdul Rahman II, Ibnu Firnas memutuskan untuk melakukan ujicoba ‘terbang’ dari menara Masjid Mezquita di Cordoba dengan menggunakan semacam sayap dari jubah yang disangga kayu. Sayap buatan itu ternyata membuatnya melayang sebentar di udara dan memperlambat jatuhnya, ia pun berhasil mendarat walau dengan cedera ringan. Alat yang digunakan Ibnu Firnas inilah yang kemudian dikenal sebagai parasut pertama di dunia. Pada tahun 875, saat usianya menginjak 65 tahun, Ibnu Firnas merancang dan membuat sebuah mesin terbang yang mampu membawa manusia. Setelah versi finalnya berhasil dibuat, ia sengaja mengundang orang-orang Cordoba untuk turut menyaksikan penerbangan bersejarahnya di Jabal Al-‘Arus (Mount of the Bride) di kawasan Rusafa, dekat Cordoba. Penerbangan yang disaksikan secara luas oleh masyarakat itu terbilang sangat sukses. Sayangnya, karena cara meluncur yang kurang baik, Ibnu Firnas terhempas ke tanah bersama pesawat layang buatannya. Dia pun mengalami cedera punggung yang sangat parah. Cederanya inilah yang membuat Ibnu Firnas tak berdaya untuk melakukan ujicoba berikutnya. Abbas Ibnu Firnas wafat pada tahun 888, dalam keadaan berjuang menyembuhkan cedera punggung yang diderita akibat kegagalan melakukan ujicoba pesawat layang buatannya. Walaupun percobaan terbang menggunakan sepasang sayap dari bulu dan rangka kayu tidak berhasil dengan sempurna, namun gagasan inovatif Ibnu Firnas kemudian dipelajari Roger Bacon 500 tahun setelah Firnas meletakkan teori-teori dasar pesawat terbangnya. Kemudian sekitar 200 tahun setelah Bacon (700 tahun pascaujicoba Ibnu Firnas), barulah konsep dan teori pesawat terbang dikembangkan.

Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir
Designers Fountain In historical records of Islam, it was revealed that the Muslims became the first people to use the media in the design of a garden water. And utilizing aqueous media to embellish the room, whether at home, mosques, palaces, and public parks. The designer of the fountain are various forms of Banu Musa brothers lived in the 9th century. They are scientists who are very active activities in Bayt al-Hikmah, Baghdad, Iraq. It is a place famous for its library and translation of a variety of science. Banu Musa brothers are the sons of Musa ibn Shakir, who worked as an astrologer Caliph al-Ma'mun. At the time of Musa ibn Shakir died, he left his children who are still young in the environment of the caliphate. Banu Musa consists of three brothers. The first is Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir (803-873). He has particular expertise in the field of astronomy, engineering, geometry, and physics. Then, there is also Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir (803-873) who has special expertise in the field of engineering and mechanics. In addition, there is also Al-Hasan ibn Musa ibn Shakir (810-873). He also has expertise that is highly mastered, namely the fields of engineering and geometry. Kitab al-Hiyal or Book Tool Mechanic is a valuable thing left Banu Musa brothers. Through this book, they provide a useful legacy for the development of engineering and architecture in the Islamic world. In his book, Banu Musa brothers created a design of a fountain in the manufacture of a variety of techniques and tricks. They apply a variety of principles of geometry and physics to create a fountain. The book also contains seven model or design of the fountain.

Law of Universal Gravitation World know Sir Isaac Newton (Principia, 1687) as the first inventor of the "law of universal gravitation" but actually long before Newton, scientists of Islam which is also one of the Banu Musa brothers named Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir, who lived between 803-873 years in Baghdad, Iraq. has created the hypothesis that there is a gigantic Visit the movement of objects in space. Abu Ja'far Muhammad, who has particular expertise in the field of astronomy, engineering, geometry, and physics. in Kitab al-Hiyal, giving an explanation of the movement of the ball. In the book, he also wrote his discoveries about the celestial objects that become subject to the laws of physics of the earth. Other works of Abu Ja'far Muhammad is the discussion about the movement of stars and the law of attraction. He revealed the presence of the force of attraction between the heavenly bodies. It is proved that Newton's law of gravity applies universally.